Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Art and Health by Court McCracken, Guest Blogger

My name is Court McCracken and I am an artist, writer and teacher. I write about creativity as a part of a balanced, rich and full life on my blog Art Nurture (www.artnurture.com).


I have always known that my art was more than just my major or my profession, but also my passion and part of what made me feel fully alive.


For many years I have struggled with some chromic pain. I tried many supposedly “conventional” methods of handling that pain, all of which led to other complications and issues and none of which actually helped heal the cause of the pain. The pain was so bad at times I was forced to step away from my studio or cancel a class.


Being the type of person that I am, I was unwilling to accept that this was something I had to live with; I believed there was something that could help me. 


For me, engaging in my art and my creativity is a part of my balanced and healthy lifestyle and I guide others on how to do this in their own lives. For some, this method of engaging with life in this way could seem alternative, though to me it seems very natural.


A friend of mine recommended that I try acupuncture for my pain management and healing. I am embarrassed to say that it was sort of my “last resort” as I had tried so many other things only to be let down.  I found Lara and scheduled an initial consultation regarding my pain and she believed she would most certainly be able to work with me. I have to say that I had no idea what to expect when I headed to my first appointment, but Lara’s gentle and caring manner put me at ease.


I felt like I was actually being listened to when I talked about my pain and the related struggles. I felt that Lara was paying attention to the many parts of the whole that is “me”.


I am now happy to say, that I am going into my sixth month of monthly acupuncture visits and daily herbal regimen and it is the only thing that has ever helped me manage my pain and heal my condition. The results for me have been phenomenal and I am grateful to be seeking more balance and health in this area of my life so that I can continue my work of helping others achieve health and balance when it comes to their unique art and creativity. What was once my last resort has become my most effective modality of healing in this area of my life. I wholeheartedly recommend Lutea to anyone who asks me how I am doing with my pain these days.


If you would like to hear more about my work with helping others connect with their creativity, please check out my website at www.artnurture.com


Warmest Regards,

Court McCracken

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